Pierre Dansereau
Combine future and serenity
Pierre Dansereau’s key message to communicators and public relations professionals
Pierre Dansereau
October 5, 1911 – September 28, 2011
Considered as the pioneer of sustainable development in Quebec and Canada, this world-famous scientist never accepted the idea of the failure of the human adventure or the idea of despair. A strong believer of human capabilities, he argued for sensitivity to nature, imagination, sharing of knowledge, social engagement, and was always pleased to point out the progress of science, the evolution of knowledge about public health, the growth of democratic ideas as well as the increasing place of citizens in the public sphere. Combine future and serenity was his key message to communicators and public relations professionals.
Letter read on October 4, 2006, during an official ceremony at the conference on communications and sustainable development (Colloque Développement durable et Communications – Vers un nouvel engagement des communicateurs), an event acknowledged as the first contribution of communication professionals to the implementation of Québec’s sustainable development plan.
A formal commitment was signed by all major professional associations in communication. This collective commitment (Declaration) confirms the central role that communicators intend to play in spreading the values of sustainable development throughout society, in the continuation of Pierre Dansereau’s work.